In word, sound and image
I write articles and books, produce podcasts and videos e.g. for German thinktanks on research and education policy, see for example Durchfechter - a podcast about couragious visionaries. I advise clients on strategy and communication. It´s high time to understand systemic ruptures in civilisation by analyzing complex interrelationships for instance between geopolitics, money creation and the financial system.Realistic analysis creates the basis for successful humane new beginnings (Greek:: Arche).
Solutions for the global energy transition
We will experience Moore's Law on steroids
Whoever masters the language also wins elections
Secrets of good schools
A functioning democracy needs good technology
Digital business is changing companies and employeesr
AI and quantum computing overhaul society
How professionals use AI to find staff
Value creation without machines and the responsibility of elites
Last Chance for Europe
Can blockchain improve science?
In search of new key skills
A giant surveillance and manipulation machine
The Profiteers of Data Management
Innovations need built-in data protection
New Galactic Space Race
Knowledge has long since become digital and location-independent
How new technologies influence our learning and work
On the way to liquid democracy
Working Out Loud. Are the Corporates Moving?
High-tech agriculture against world hunger
Strong network for entrepreneurial change
Digital Smart Care and Corona
Emerging from the wolf age
On the Road to Credible Capitalism?
Uprising on the Internet of Things
A new Us
We have bureaucratised innovation
Power shifts from supplier to demander
Robert Boeme - Entrepreneur and space pioneer
Gunter Dueck - Intellectual Jack-of-all-Trades, fierce IT and transformation manager
Jutta Allmendinger - Science manager, passionate social champion
Thomas Sattelberger - Thomas Sattelberger - Reform-oriented entrepreneur with much experience
Joana Breidenbach - Smart designer of meaningful NGO organisations
Christian Tidona - Science and biotech manager with special esprit
Juliane Diller - "The woman who fell from the sky" protects the Amazon rainforest
Bob Blume - The teacher as tireless digitalist and educational mastermind
Verena Knoblauch - Educational breakout in the service of the next generation
JJörg Sator - The courageous food bank man from the Ruhr Valley
Luigi Toscano - a photographer against oblivion
Van Bo Le-Mentzel - playful urban architecture visionary
Gisbert Rühl - successfully digitising steel manager
Thomas Fischer - The brilliant troublemaker
How to survive change and flourish anew? The transformation coach and pioneer Damien Wynne trains protagonists from business, finance, politics and culture worldwide. As a teacher of a radically open spirituality, and also because of his unconventional view of acute developments, The interview book on the change of our time including exercises for successful changes of consciousness in the 21st century: [order/more info] order/more info
Courageous thought leaders of our society from business, science, politics and culture, and their explosive theses on the near future, collected in a digital interview book published by the Stifterverband für die dt. Wissenschaft. Information on the interactive, digital version: Information on the interactive, digital version. order
This book explains concrete approaches to the era of conscious reality manifestation. It creates an overview in a contradictory, sometimes confusing time full of upheavals and shows how we can use the current changes and new findings regarding awareness, new technologies, holistic ecology/politics. People wake up and grow into a new era. How to ensure that this will succeed in the best humane sense!? (to be completed in 2022).
Numerous TV reports/features on political topics for DWTV, ARD, ARTE. About:
Hydropower - the never-ending cycle documentary Deutsche Welle TV
Climate change will have a major impact on renewable energy in the coming decades – storms on wind power infrastructure, drought and flooding on hydropower. Are we thinking long-term enough when it comes to hydropower, or are we also heading for a sustainability "peak" with this form of energy and then the "crash" follows?
"Raw Material Education" (DW-TV, international channels 26 min )
The Arab Gulf states still have 30 years to go - then most of their largest oil fields will begin to dry up. As a future source of their prosperity the sheikhs want to educate their young population in the Gulf at high speed. For them, the raw material of tomorrow is not oil or gas, but knowledge. Because in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait or Oman, the children will soon have to stand on their own two feet before the oil wealth runs out.
"Retrospective trauma. The Germans and the RAF" (Deutsche Welle, 26 min.)
Germany in autumn 2007. The "Red Army Faction" is history, but interest in the topic is not waning. Contemporary witnesses and observers have their say, for whom the confrontation with the very German phenomenon RAF became a life issue: a German filmmaker, an English journalist, a public prosecutor and a renowned psychologist who worked therapeutically with RAF members in detention. A film with many questions, some answers and an open ending.
"Sugar for the monkey" (WDR Worldwide, 30 min. Together with
He survived eight attacks by the Indonesian timber mafia. For twenty years, the tropical biologist Dr. Wilie Smiths The habitats of the orangutans on Borneo. Smiths is now launching an ambitious economic project: Indonesia's farmers should earn more money with sugar palms than with the overexploitation of the last rainforests - the alternative to destructive palm oil plantations that are destroying the rainforest. "Conservation must pay off for the local people," Smits is convinced.
"Burned money. The financial crisis and its consequences.” – (Deutsche Welle, 30 min). The global financial system does not come to rest. Western banks and financial centers are losing influence, and a global financial crisis seems unstoppable. Politicians and bankers alike seem helpless. How could it come to this? What are the causes? A snapshot in the middle of the crisis - the outcome is uncertain.
Conference videos on the knowledge society (prod. with Webclipmedien):
Digital turn at universities
Rethink the economy. Self-criticism of a guild
Research Summit: Internationalization of Science
Villa-Hügel Talk: University 4.0
Making the future: lifelong learning
Enterprising Knowledge: Corporate Venturing meets University R&D
State and private: partnerships between science and business
Innovations in university teaching
Study pioneers: This is how educational advancement succeeds!
What does technological sovereignty mean for the parties?
Filming at re:publica in Berlin – with Sara M. Watson from Digital Asia Hub. Picture Corina Niebuhr
- Hartmut Rosa: Surfer und Drifter
- Gunter Dueck: Zorn & Trump:
- Michel Bauwens: The P2P Revolution
- Franz Josef Rademacher: Welt ohne Innovationsdruck
- Joana Breidenbach: Technik, die wirklich was bewegt:
- Metin Tolan, Forschung in Gefahr
- Gerald Huether: Wieso die Schulen versagen:
- Van Bo Le-Mentzel, Brich die Regeln und finde deinen Platz in der Welt
- Jörg Dräger, Was Digitalisierung wirklich bedeutet
- Sven Gabor Janszky, Wer innovativ sein will, muss vergessen lernen
- Michael Braungart: Umweltschutz? Ameisen sind uns überlegen
- Robert Johnson, Rethinking Economics
- Justus Haucap, Die Balance von Staat und Markt
- Martin Hellwig: Verdrängte Risiken der Finanzkrise
- Moritz Schularick, Gefährliche Vereinfachungen in der Ökonomie
- Meinhard Miegel, die ökonomische Realität in Europa
- Harald Welzer. Mut zur Abweichung!
- Gerd Gigerenzer, Die Angst vor der eigenen Intuition
- Klaus Mainzer, MINT, Künstliche Intelligenz und Supercomputer
- Gunter Pauli, Blue Economy - die Wirklichkeit neuer Lösungen
- Jutta Allmendinger, Bildung statt Grundeinkommen
- Uwe Lübbermann, Die Welt mit Cola verbessern
- Peter Kruse: Die kommunikative Macht in Netzen
- Pascal Finette, Entrepreneure und Provokateure
- Heiner Flassbeck: Der Staat ist keine schwäbische Hausfrau
- Evgeny Chereshnev, Let's Secure Our Digital Data!
- Maurice de Hond: The Primary School of the Future
- Stefano Mirti: MOOCs are like a Marathon
- Markus Beckedahl: Geht das Internet jetzt kaputt?
- Susanne Kunschert: Digitalisierung ist nicht das Allheilmittel
- Reinhard Kahl: Die Individualität des Lernens
- Susanna Krüger: Funktionierendes fördern statt Pilotprojektitis
- Christian Nagel: Wie tickt ein Venture-Capital-Investor?
- Loring Sittler: Wirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft vernetzen sich
- Michael Vogel: Neuer Studiengang – Wir lernen hier alles selbst
- Janina Sundermeier: Wie simulieren Universitäten Start-ups?
- Daniel Pinchbeck: Changing the DNA of Capitalism
- August-Wilhelm Scheer: Deutschland ohne digitale Strategie
- Stephan Balzer: Wir brauchen neue Business Schools
- Aubrey de Grey: How We Will Beat Aging
- Sara M. Watson: Artificial Intelligence & Smart Journalism
- Anne Kjaer Riechert: Tech for Peace
- Ben Paul: Bildungsrebellion - Die Anti-Uni
- Mirko Drotschmann: Wissenschaftsjournalismus für junge Menschen
- Sascha Spoun: Digitalisierung - Konsequenzen für die Hochschulen
- Obi Felten: How Google's X Wants to Change the World
- Rob Nail: Using the market to do good
- Silvia Lindtner: The Future of Maker Culture
- Stefan Wegner: Wissenschaft und Eliten in der Kritik
- Robert Johnson: New Perspectives For The Economics
- Harm J. Hospers: Problem-based Learning The Success Story of Maastricht University
- Thomas Mayer: Paradigmenwechsel in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften
-Martin Stratmann: Gestern Science-fiction, heute Realität
-Aljoscha Burchardt: Künstliche Intelligenz – Wird ein Traum wahr?
-Xiaoxi Wei - Stem Cells Will Become Immortal
-Jenny Podewils - Neue Mitarbeiter-Strategien für Unternehmen
-Jana Tepe - Jobsharing 2.0
-Miriam Wohlfarth - Fintech, Banken und Disruption
-Christine Renaud - Braindates and Peer-to-Peer Learning
-Rob Nail: How To Teach Companies Digital Future Readiness
-Anne Kjaer Riechert: Tech for Peace
-Elisabeth Hoffmann: Wissenschaft hat nicht nur Fans