Trainer and catalyst for new thinking and authentic feeling. Author and new media producer.
After studying political science and philosophy, I reported as a TV journalist from Africa, the Middle East and Asia, amongst other places on geopolitical topics - these included the international water and ecology crisis, conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, etc. Several television reports received international awards and Grimme Prize nominations. I worked freelance for Corporate Communication(s) and was able to observe how big companies tick. I produce articles for think tanks on topics such as research policy, digitalisation, high-tech innovations and financial reform. Over the years - thanks to many opportunities - I have learned from courageous and astute thought leaders and visionaries from diverse sectors of society. With their sharp analysis, focused presence and fearlessness, they motivated me to broaden my view of even bigger contexts.
For many years I have undergone in in-depth training in authentic wisdom traditions. I have been able to look "behind the mirrors" n different phases of life and learning, nd have experienced that the spiritual field in which we are connected to each other, is much more closely woven than many may already be aware of. Every event, every challenge, every person we meet reflects our current processes of consciousness. We are always responsible for all the issues and lessons that these mirrors show us - and they are just waiting to be recognized and healed by ourselves.
These experiences laid the foundation for modern consciousness training, which I have tested over the years. A practical hint for this work: “Let go of everything you experience, develop yourself and put into the world. Release it to receive new inspirations”. And: to every metaphysical realisation that may arise in me, I add as a navigation aid: "this is (probably) not everything. That too will change again."
My spiritual teachers are (among others):
- the Mestres, Conselheiros und Conselheiras of União do Vegetal.
- The Bon Master Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
- Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche Rinpoche of the Buddhist Nyingma tradition.
- Consciousness Hacker and Pioneer Damien Wynne.
- The 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje (Tibetan Karma Kagyu School).
- Dietmar Jarosch, Mantak Chia und Theo Fischer - teachers of the eternal Dao.
- Venerable Dzogchen Master Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche.
- Venerable Buddhadasa Bhikkhu (Wat Suan Mokh Monastery, Thailand)
- Venerable Satya Narayan Goenka (Vipassana Tradition)
- Don Augustin Rivas Vasquez, various Maestras and Maestros of the Shipibo Coribo (from Peru), the Yawanawa (from Brazil) and the Kogi (from Columbia).
- Katja Sundermeier, Business-Coach, Founder of "Simply Love".
- Inadevi Fürstenau, modern teacher of integrative Schamanism.
Interview Online Congress 2021 Creative Society
Interview online congress 2016 Awareness - being yourself
Book publication on the future of society (publisher: Stifterverband). Excerpt: Interview with Gunter Dueck - former CTO at IBM, "wild" German philosopher of science.